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If life slowed down, I’d fall asleep.
I apologize for the lack of new posts, but today I’ve got a fun one. It’s pictures from my Book Launch Party.
food and drink It was a winter themed party to match the book, Cold Pursuit, and because on a hot July day, winter seemed really attractive. My fabulous friend Krista helped me plan it, including the menu and everything fancy, and then she stayed in the kitchen keeping the platters looking picture perfect.
I made the poms—and will never make another pom in this lifetime.pom

sign in table

When guests arrived, I had a “groanable” (as I said to my friend the poet extraordinaire) verse asking them to sign my book for me—as a twist on a book signing.



Inside we set out a few devices for emphasisdevices that Cold Pursuit was designed as an interactive eBook.



The mantle was PIN-worthy! (The twigs are from my pussy willow bush–notice the detail of the snowflake on the vase!)(And of course the orange mittens–thanks mom!)

We served the drink from goblets since Krista and I had the same type—talk about fancy!goblets

I wasn’t prepared to do a reading—and laughed through most of it.




while I read

Holly's sisters

The food was the highlight.food


We sold all the available books, plus everyone went home and ordered one. I also received many comments on FB, email, and in person that others were ordering. Thank you so much!
All I ask is that y’all keep spreading the word that the 2.99 downloadable special is still available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble! And like I said at the party, “If you like the book, or if you love me, please post a review.” 
Today I’m running on four hours of sleep—which as long as I don’t drive, it won’t kill me. I may need to wear dark glasses to a wedding though. But life is good when it keeps happening.fancy pom