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My sister-in-law shared a story with me this last weekend. She is a counselor at a high school. One day a student was brought to her that had come to school in high-heeled, plastic “Cinderella” shoes. It was the dead of winter and not only were her feet cold, but had been rubbed raw all morning by the uncomfortable shoes until blisters had formed and broken. The girl explained that they were the only shoes she had.

My sister-in-law remembered a pair of athletic shoes she had at home that she had hardly ever worn. She “dashed home” (at least five miles) and located the shoes. Then she stopped by a drawer where she had several pairs of socks that were still new—the tags were still on them. She grabbed a pair and returned to the school.

When she gave the shoes and socks to the student, the girl began to cry. She hadn’t had a pair of socks that matched as long as she could remember.

Giving kindness sometimes requires that we sacrifice something—it might be our time, an extra pair of shoes or possibly prejudices regarding “class.” But when we do, the results are priceless. Lives are touched, days are brightened, and hope is reignited.

The Random Acts of Kindness blog hop continues through tomorrow. I’ve enjoyed reading the experiences shared in the comments.